Checklist Final Phase

Assignment of reviewers

The assignment of the reviewers can already take place before the submission of the doctoral thesis!

  • Appoint at least two external habilitated reviewers and ask your supervisor to contact the persons concerned in advance
  • Submit the assignment form and abstract electronically to the SSC including academic CV and publication list or link to personal web page of the reviewers
  • NOTE: official review period is 4 months
    (Shortened review periods must be communicated without the SSC. Both reports must be received by the SSC at least two weeks before the planned examination date.)

Submission of doctoral thesis

Please do not prepare a title page beforehand and do not use any templates; the title page will be generated automatically during the submission process.

Doctoral defense

For your doctoral defense, send the registration form to the SSC at least two weeks before the scheduled date. The assessment must also be completed by this time, i.e. both reviews must have been received by the SSC.

The examination board consists of a chair and two examiners. At the faculty, it is common that the two persons who have also examined the paper act as examiners - at least one of them should be part of the examination board. The chair is usually taken by the (internal) supervisor.

The procedure and format of the defense can generally be agreed with the person chairing it. The defense should not significantly exceed one hour, with around 20 minutes set aside for the presentation. The remaining time is left for questions and discussion as well as for the committee to agree on the grade.


On the occasion of your graduation, the university asks you to provide data on your experiences abroad during your studies. The collection of this data is obligatory due to a decree of the Federal Ministry of Science and Research.
Only after the SSC has received confirmation of this survey on study-related stays abroad will the digital graduation documents be sent to you.