Courses and Exams

Academic Offer

Study programmes offered by the Faculty of Psychology:

Exchange students who have been nominated for Psychology can register for any course offered by our Faculty except for SE Bachelor's Thesis and SE Master's Thesis Seminar.

Course Directory (u:find)

For an overview of the courses, open u:find:

  • Under “Browse”, select the Course directory.
  • On the following page, select Directorate of Studies 20 – Psychology.
  • Select a study programme (Bachelor, Master)
  • Select a course to open the course page. Here you will find information on:
    • ECTS credits
    • course schedule
    • content and assessment methods

Most of our courses are taught in German. Courses taught in English are marked with the blue tag "en" in u:find.

The course directory for the summer semester 2025 is now online but the information about the courses is still incomplete. In the meantime, please refer to the course directory of the summer semester 2024 for an information on course contents, methods and assessment criteria.



Lectures (Vorlesungen, VO) and Exams

A lecture (VO=Vorlesung) is a type of course that does not require regular attendance or participation. The lecture slides are uploaded to Moodle. If the lecture is streamed, the streams will also be made available in Moodle. You can access them after registering for the lecture.

Registrations for lectures are open throughout the semester in which the lecture takes place as well as the following semester.

Lecture (VO) Registration in the Academic Year 2024/25

Winter semester 2024: 01.09.2024 - 30.09.2025

Summer semester 2025: 01.02.2025 - 28.02.2026

  • Open the course page in u:find and click on "Register/Deregister for this course".
  • You will be forwarded to the u:space login page. After logging in with your u:account user ID and password you can complete the registration process.

Lecture Exams

Assessment in lectures (VO) consists of an exam at the end of the semester. You must register separately for every exam.

As soon as the date of an examination is set, you will find it on the lecture page in u:find.

  • Click on a date to check the registration deadlines.
  • Then click on "Register/Deregister for this exam" (this link is visible only while registrations for the exam are open!) and you will be forwarded to the u:space login page.
  • When registering for an exam, you will be required to select a module. Select Modul für Incoming Studierende (Incoming Exchange Student's Module).

If you get an error message while trying to register for an exam, send an e-mail to the mobility coordinator during the registration period. The e-mail must contain your ID number (Matrikelnummer), the title and number of the lecture and the date of the exam.

Courses with Continuous Assessment

Courses with continuous assessment have a limited number of participants.

Assessment methods includes class participation, written assignments, presentations, midterm and/or final tests. Regular attendance is mandatory.

Courses with Continuous Assessment Offered by the Faculty of Psychology

  • Proseminars (PS)
  • Exercises (UE)
  • Lecture and tutorial (VU)
  • Seminars (SE)
  • Research-oriented internships (PR)

Registration for Courses with Continuous Assessment

Registrations for courses with continuous assessment are carried out by the mobility coordinator.

Before the start of the semester, the coordinator will send you an email with a confirmation of your incoming exchange student status.

Attend the first session of the courses with continuous assessment that you want to take and show the document to the teachers. If a teacher accepts you on their course, they will send the coordinator an email to confirm your admission. The coordinator will then manually register you for the course.