Courses and exams

Academic year

  • Winter semester
    • Lecture period: 1 October - 31 January
    • Lecture-free period (semester break): February
  • Summer semester
    • Lecture period: 1. März - 30. Juni
    • Lecture-free period (summer break): 1. July - 30. September

Exams usually take place during the lecture period.

Academic offer

Study programmes offered by the Faculty of Psychology:

Exchange students who have been nominated for Psychology can register for any course offered by our Faculty except for the Master's Thesis Seminars. These seminars are aimed at students who are writing their Master's thesis at the University of Vienna.

Course directory (u:find)

For an overview of the courses, open u:find:

  • Under “Browse”, select the Course directory.
  • On the following page, select Directorate of Studies 20 – Psychology.
  • Select a study programme (Bachelor, Master)
  • Select a course to open the course page. Here you will find information on:
    • ECTS credits
    • registration deadlines
    • course schedule
    • content and assessment methods

Please keep in mind that most of our courses are taught in German.

Courses taught in English are marked with the blue tag "en" in u:find.


When registering for a course or an exam in u:space, you will be required to choose a Module ("Studienplanpunkt").

As an exchange student, you should always select "Modul für Incoming Studierende" (Incoming Exchange Student's Module).

Lectures (Vorlesungen, VO) and exams

A lecture (VO=Vorlesung) is a type of course that does not require regular attendance or participation. The assessment consists of an exam at the end of the semester.

In lectures and lecture exams there is no limit to the number of participants. All students who register for the exam (see below) are automatically admitted to the exam.

Registrations for lectures are open throughout the semester in which the lecture takes place as well as the following semester.

  • Registration period for lectures in the academic year 2023/24:
    • Winter semester 2023: 01/09/2023 - 30/09/2024
    • Summer semester 2024: 01/02/2024 - 28/02/2025
  • Registration (lecture)
    • Open the course page in u:find and click on "Register/Deregister for this course".
    • You will be forwarded to the u:space login page. After logging in with your u:account user ID and password you can complete the registration process.

You must register separately for every exam.

As soon as the date of an examination is set, you will find it on the lecture page in u:find.

  • Registration (exam)
    • Click on a date to check the registration deadlines.
    • Then click on "Register/Deregister for this exam" (this link is visible only while registrations for the exam are open!) and you will be forwarded to the u:space login page.


If you get an error message while trying to register for an exam, send an e-mail to the mobility coordinator during the registration period.

The e-mail must be sent from the same e-mail address you used when you registered in Mobility Online and must contain:

  • your student ID number (Matrikelnummer)
  • title and number of the lecture.
  • if you wish to register for an exam: the exact date of the exam

Please keep in mind that the mobility coordinator can help you only as long as registrations are open.

Courses with continuous assessment

In courses with continuous assessment performance is assessed through class participation, written assignments, presentations, midterm and/or final tests. Regular attendance is mandatory.

Courses with continuous assessment have a limited number of participants. Students must register for courses before the stars of the semesters and the places are allocated by the registration system.

The registration periods are in September (winter semester courses) and February (summer semester courses).

Types of courses with continuous assessment

Proseminars (PS) impart basic knowledge of scientific work, introduce the subject literature and deal with exemplary problems of the subject by means of presentations, discussions, case studies, etc. The students are expected to complete the course in the following semester. Presentations, written contributions, tests, group work, homework and active participation can be used in varying combinations for performance assessment.

Exercises (UE) complement and deepen scientific content; these are practically applied and practised. Group work, presentations, active participation, written tests and homework can be used in varying combinations or individually for performance assessment.

Lecture and tutorial (VU) combine the forms of teaching of both types of courses. Practical examples are presented by the course instructor. Group work, presentations, active participation, written tests and homework can be used in varying combinations or individually for performance assessment.

Seminars (SE) are courses with an immanent examination character that serve scientific work. This means acquiring detailed knowledge of a subject area by studying specialist literature, developing further questions from this if necessary and answering them using suitable methods. The work is reported on an ongoing basis in oral and/or written form. These partial performances as well as the participation are included in the assessment in an appropriately weighted form.

Research-oriented internships (PR) impart practical skills and knowledge about the concrete application of scientifically based methods in research. Finally, a written report is written on the skills and knowledge acquired in the process, which must comply with the rules of the subject. At least one second piece of work is taken into account for the grade (e.g. participation, presentation or homework).

Please check this webpage regularly for updates about course registration deadlines for the winter semester 2024.


After the first allocation of places the mobility coordinator will send you a document confirming your status as an incoming exchange student.

If you are still on the waiting list ("auf Warteliste") after the second allocation of places or if you did not register at all, you still have a chance to get a spot in the courses. Go to the first session of the course(s) you wish to attend and show the document to the lecturer.

  • If you are already on the waiting list, you can be registered directly by the lecturer.
  • If you are not on the waiting list, the lecturer will have to contact the mobility coordinator or the StudienServiceCenter.

If a course is taught on-site, you need to be present on the first day of class before you can be registered for the course. Neither the StudieServiceCenter nor the lecturers can guarantee you a spot in advance.

The only exception are online courses, as they can be attended only by students who are already registered. In this case you actually need to contact the lecturers before the course starts. Send an e-mail from your u:account e-mail address to the lecturers with the proof of your incoming exchange student status as an attachment.